Sunday, November 19, 2006

Bus Deregulation...

I'm too angry to talk about
buses, when I'm fussed.
I wait aways and sometimes
but not often, one appears.
Most times I start to walk
the mile or so. And between
stops, after a while, one
whistles by.
At the next stop, I always
sit or lie, or queue in endless
stance, under a rain filled sky.
That's why I'm too angry
to talk about buses
when I'm fussed..

Billy not silly
don't want bus
to Piccadilly
Billy stand
here waiting
like a Roger Hunt
Billy don't know
the Ali McGraw
No wonder
Salford bus shelters
get smashed
to Daffy Duck
What about the punters
no-one cares
about the poor
Maggie's innovation
bus deregulation
She has got
a lot to answer for
Previously published in Cowardy Custards Last Stand in Salford.

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