Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Salford Ski Slope...

Last one to the bottom's
a Cowardy custard
said little Joey
aged five.
He was seated behind his
baby brother, Christopher
aged two
in their plastic breadcrate
toboggan, precariously perched
at the top of
Salford Ski Slope.
(Bet not many people
know about that.)
Next down was Brian
aged seven.
He slid to the bottom on
a mangled bike frame
without any wheels.
But the fastest and
best skier was Carol
aged six,
on a piece of toughened glass
from the old bus shelter
on Churchill Way.....
Previously published in Cowardy Custard's Last Stand in Salford 1992


At April 20, 2008 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Andy,

I think this is just such a great poem. It so many things in so few words!! I like the follow up too...

Sheila x

At April 21, 2008 12:33 AM, Blogger Andy Sewina said...

Thanks Sheila x I'll send you a copy of the original book..


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