Friday, January 05, 2007

London, Paris, New York...

Montmatre to Montparnasse
Sorbonne to Pigalle
Fifth Avenue to Forty second street
and Broadway
No matter where you walk
these streets sing
and those walls talk
If this was Paris
or New York
these streets would sing
those walls would talk
But this is England
and it hums and it hums
London and its rubber drums
Manchester and her slums...


At January 05, 2007 5:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Danny, Thanks for your link to PoetsForDinner. I added you to the list and I'm enjoying your verse.

At January 07, 2007 5:03 PM, Blogger Andy Sewina said...

Thanks Billy,
I really like the concept of 'poets for dinner' It would make a good title for a poem too! Anyway, thanks for linking me and here's hoping you get plenty of UK hits.


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